My mission:

“I want to leave the world better than I found it through curiosity, kindness, and humor.”

I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about my personal mission statement. It’s evolved over time, tweaking a word here and punctuation there. But it’s always maintained its essence: a clarity of purpose, a desire to shape the world into something better, to follow the Rule of 3 whenever possible.

That last part is a joke. But not really. But humor is important.

How we choose to approach life each day has an effect on us, but also those around us. And how others choose to approach their day affects us. It’s a system. It’s worthwhile to examine and continuously improve what’s working for us and discard what’s not.

It means connecting to those around us, finding out what’s important to them. Once we understand other’s hopes and dreams we can easily find ways to help them achieve what’s important to them while still achieving what’s important to us.

I borrowed the language about helping others from the Outward Mindset. I HIGHLY recommend it. I’ve been through my share or organizational training, but nothing hit home as much as the Outward Mindset. I’ve seen first-hand how effective it’s been for others. Note: I’m not associated with The Arbinger Institute in any way, nor do I receive any compensation. I just think it’s an authentic way to approach life.

Did I mention I’m obnoxiously into mountain biking. It’s hard for me to talk to anyone for more than 10 minutes without mentioning it (like dudes into CrossFit or recent vegans). I’ve started volunteering with my city’s Parks department to help maintain the local mountain bike trail. It’s been a very satisfying experience and a really supportive community.

But doing anything outside is fun. My family and I live in central Florida and spend as much time as possible camping, kayaking, hiking, swimming, and fishing. Ideally, we’re able to do several at the same place. Sometimes on the coast, sometimes inland at a State or National Park. Florida offers so many interesting places to explore, just bring the sunscreen.

Some links for the curious.